

The company who creates our paper uses electricity and natural gas as their energy sources. All of the electricity they use is generated from renewable sources including water, wind and solar energy. As well as this their site is heated using natural gas. All of their paper comes from sustainably managed forests and are either FSC or PEFC certified.

We print onto cotton rag paper. The seeds used to make this paper is a recycled by-product from the textile industry, cotton rag papers are considered as having a very low environmental impact as no cotton is grown specifically for the paper. Plus the environmental impact of turning these cotton linters into paper is no bigger than turning wood pulp into paper.

Our printers are a local company meaning our carbon footprint is reduced. They are situated on an organic farmland within a recognised sustainable community space. The site is powered by an onsite wind turbine which produces 30% of their electricity, solar panels that produce 20% and the rest from renewable energy sources and the company we print with uses paper waste to heat their building!